
Join Trinity Prep for an Open House!

December 3, 2016

Sign up for an open house at Trinity Prep on Dec. 7!


There’s still time for prospective families to learn more about Trinity Prep by attending our open house at 9 a.m. on Dec. 7 on campus in Winter Park. We would love to meet you and tell you all about our academic, athletic, and arts programs for sixth through 12th graders. You’ll take a tour of campus, meet teachers, hear about our curriculum, and get answers to all sorts of questions. Sign up today!

Our students and faculty love to ask questions, find answers and, in turn, ask more questions. We encourage students to explore what excites them and examine their intellectual, artistic, physical and spiritual lives. We encourage students to learn about themselves and the world. They do this through activities and projects that speak to their interests, such as studying photography on a class trip to India, establishing a non-profit, creating a tracking system for space debris, going out for the lacrosse team or tending to the school vegetable garden. We are doers, thinkers and creators.

Trinity Prep provides the resources and the confidence for our students to explore nearly any interest or subject inside and outside of the classroom. Our students’ apply their learning at a Florida Wildlife Management Area with their ecology class or in the quad reenacting a Roman wedding with Latin class. Our students experience life as an artist competing in the Winter Park “Chalk the Walk” festival or performing in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland.

They learn what it means to be of service to their communities through serving meals at the Ronald McDonald House or organizing a blood drive. They learn to lead as captain of the bowling team, by starting a running club or serving as vice-president of their class. Whatever inspires your student, our faculty is there to lead.

Check out our Trinity Prep website or follow us on Facebook. Contact us with any questions at or 321-282-2515.